Saturday, 30 June 2012

Minutes of the June Meeting

Please find minutes of the June meeting attached June Meeting

Planting Day pictures

Despite the downpours, we planted nearly 200 hanging baskets today and our streets are already starting to look fantastic.

Thanks so much to everyone who baked, brewed up, dug, planted, filled baskets, drilled, swept up, ate, drank and generally pitched in to make the planting day such a resounding success!

If you wanted a basket but couldn't make it down, there are still a few left - please e-mail Jo (Residents' Association Chairperson) if you'd like one on your house.

Some photos from the day are below, with a link to the rest here. Please add a comment to let us know how your basket's coming along!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Planting day next weekend

Hopefully many of you will have seen the flyers by now - come along on Saturday, plant up a basket and take it home for free, all thanks to Manchester In Bloom!

We're still looking for volunteers to bake cakes and anyone with a decent masonry drill to help with putting the finished baskets up. Leave a comment below if you'd like to help out, or if you can't make it and want a basket putting aside.

See you from 11am!

Friday, 22 June 2012

Green Inspiration

Some great images of urban greening projects, via The Guardian. Our hanging basket planting day is the first step to making the Bowes Street area just as green and pleasant! Come along for tea, cake and planting on Saturday 30th June.

"Line the Streets" this Sunday morning

Don't forget - the Olympic Flame comes to Moss Side this weekend as inspirational local residents carry it through it the city streets ahead of the 2012 Olympic Games.

Manchester City Council hopes that residents will “Line the Streets” to cheer on their torchbearers and celebrate work they have done to improve life in their neighbourhoods.

The first part of the Torch Relay Convoy will pass through 5 to 7 minutes ahead of the torchbearer part of the convoy. This will include further ‘presenting partners’ who will give out Torch Relay Keepsakes to waiting crowds. The second part of the Convoy, consisting of the torchbearer with media and security vehicles, will then pass.

Olympic Torch Relay Route – Sunday 24 June (all timings are approximate)

Whalley Range Neighbourhood

Upper Chorlton Road from Sylvan Avenue to Alexandra Road 7.00 am

Moss Side Neighbourhood

Moss Lane East from Hulme High Street to Lloyd Street 7.15 am

Moss Lane East from Lloyd Street to Wilmslow Road 7.30 am

Rusholme Neighbourhood

Wilmslow Road from Moss Lane East to Dickenson Rd 7.35 am

Dickenson Road fromWilmslow Road to Stockport Road 7.45 am

Standing on the left hand side of the street the Olympic Flame is being carried along will mean you are, generally, nearer to the Torchbearers and therefore get the best view of the action.

A free breakfast and hot drinks are available at the Powerhouse Library on Raby Street from 7:00am

Read the story of inspirational Torchbearers who will be carrying the Olympic Flame through Manchester and the North West.

See you there!

Friday, 15 June 2012

Z-Arts Olympic Fun Day

Some of you may be interested in a fun day happening at the Zion Arts Centre in Hulme on 23 June. There wll be arts and crafts and Olympic themed activities for all the family Family Fun Day

There's also an opportunity to set up your own arts and craft stall if you are interested Craft and Vintage Fair

Thursday, 14 June 2012

The Olympic Torch comes to Moss Side!

Sunday 24th June - outside the Powerhouse on Raby Street - from 7:00am
Free Breakfast!

"Planting the Seed" and Alley Gardening

Another great turnout at Tuesday's meeting, including some new faces - thanks to everyone who made it! Lots of exciting ideas were shared and plans for our first community event on Saturday 30th June are coming along nicely. Save the date and watch this space for further information about our 'Planting the Seed' day...

A team of members led by Matt are also working on a funding application for alley gardening projects. Have a look at these plans for inspiration (click first image for link to full-sized PDF version):

The proposals will be on display at McFresh and - hopefully - some of our other local businesses over the next couple of weeks so that members of our community who can't get online can get involved easily. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to post below - we'd love to make the alleys welcoming green spaces where all members of our community can feel at home.

Full minutes of the meeting will follow shortly.

Jo L

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Agenda for 12 June 2012 Meeting

Please find below the agenda for the next meeting of the Bowes Street Residents Group. Timings are approximate. 

Please notify the Chair of any items of any other business by commenting below before the next meeting.

The meeting will be held on 

12 June 2012 
Starting at 6:30pm 
at Fallowfield Library, Platt Lane

Minutes of last meeting and matters arising 
Chairs update
Using the CASH grant
  • 'Planting the Seed' publicity day
  • starting the alley gardens
  •           Community Notice Board (Kathleen C. to update)

Adactus Neighbourhood Grant: Brainstorming                      
Moss Side TARA Forum report (Adele and Anna)                
Stagecoach bus depot update (Matt S., Jo L)                        
Neighbourhood Watch                                              
  • discussion around the need for one and 
  • volunteers to take it forward
AOB please notify the Chair before the meeting
Date of next meeting

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Street Party Pictures

Unlike London, the sun came out over Moss Side for our own celebration yesterday. Very many thanks to David, Emily, Esther and all the PartyForBeresford group for organising such a fantastic community event!

See all the pictures I took of the day at: