Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Wishing all our neighbours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Bowes Street Residents' Association!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

'Your Square Mile' website launched for Moss Side & Hulme

Posted on behalf of Your Square Mile:

The Your Square Mile hyperlocal website for Moss Side & Hulme is now launched.

On this site you will find the film edited from the recent workshop, results from the surveys you completed, as well as photographs and information about the community projects nominated at the workshop. You will find up-to-date information about these projects, next steps to take and help needed.

We hope that it will be a space where the whole community can communicate.  

Here you will find:

  • Local Events Listings
  • A ‘Wall’ – a space where everyone can discuss projects, events and local issues and where you can post news.
  • Photographs and Videos, including the workshop film. You can upload photos and videos of your own
  • A way to contact Your Square Mile and other members of the community
  • Individual Project Pages with a forum to discuss them
Before you can get chatting, sharing, promoting your projects, please first register here by clicking on ‘Join Group’ in the top right hand corner of the page.

As you start to use the site, we will get a sense of how the community can best use it. If you think there are additional features that could be useful, please let us know and we will look to introduce these later.

This website is not intended to be a replacement for any existing local web-sites or other forms of local information in the area. Instead, we want to aggregate and promote any existing sites and communications.

We hope you enjoy exploring and using your Moss Side & Hulme website.

We wish you a very happy Christmas,

Emma Howard
Communications & Social Media Officer - Your Square Mile 

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Have yourself a very Moss Side Christmas

The Bowes Street Christmas Tree is finally up! We're still waiting for 60m of solar-powered fairy lights, but even with today's temporary trimmings it still looks pretty amazing.

Check out the pictures, then come and admire it for real - next to the Claremont pub on the corner of Hartington Street.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

The Claremont Nativity

This evening's spontaneous carolling outside the Claremont - complete with new Nativity mural - really helped our neighbourhood get into the festive mood!

Only 13 (local) shopping days to go, and we can look forward to mince pies and more carol singing tomorrow - inside the Claremont this time - and the inauguration of the Bowes Street Christmas tree at the weekend. See you all there!

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Carols at The Claremont

Help get our neighbourhood feeling festive! Join us for Christmas carols and mince pies at The Claremont this Thursday, 13th December, from 8pm.

All are welcome, even the grumpy one at the front of this picture!

Also, look out for an extra Christmas event coming soon, courtesy of your Residents' Association!

Thursday, 6 December 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The secret's out... our very own Bowes Street Christmas tree - generously donated by the brewery - will be in pride of place next to the Claremont by the end of the week. Watch this space for news of a festive gathering in the near future!

Also, don't forget the big switch-on at Broadfield Road Park and the Powerhouse this evening.

Ho ho ho!

Love from Santa x

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Green light for our green alleys!

After what seems like a long wait, we've finally had confirmation of our grant application for the alleyway greening project. See this post for Matt's original plans.

Thanks to Adactus, the residents' association now have £1500 to get the ball (or wheelbarrow?) rolling, with an opportunity to bid for further funds for stage two next year.

Work should hopefully get started before Christmas with a tree for each alley, but unfortunately they won't plant themselves - volunteers are most definitely needed! Please leave a comment below if you can help out.