Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Minutes of the meeting 7th August

Minutes of our last Resident's Association meeting are now available to view online


You can email any comments to

Start a discussion on the forum at

Join the mailing list by emailing


Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Discussion Forum!

Hi all,

Just to let you know, the discussion forum is up and running.

Register at

Sign up, introduce yourself, start a discussion!

Please be aware that this is early days, so you might not get an immediate answer to any post you make - the more people join, the more likely you'll be able to have a proper discussion!

Read the terms and conditions on signing up, and remember - be nice! We're your neighbours.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

BBQ and Clean-up day! 17th August

Come to the barbecue and clean-up day!
With support from the council, we're having a clean-up day, with litter picking across the RA area -  come and join in, and stop by for the BBQ.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Eid Mubarak!

(image source)

Eid al-Fitr - a celebration at the end of Ramadan starts at sunset and continues tomorrow 8th August, based on the sighting of the new moon.
(please also see the post on Ramadan)

As this is so close to the weekend, celebrations may extend into Friday and Saturday!

This is a time for celebration for Muslims, when people gather to celebrate with family and friends.

Bear in mind traffic may be increased, especially along the "Curry Mile", and with the Caribbean Carnival, there's lots to celebrate in Moss Side this weekend!

Peace and Joy to all during the festivities!

Also see - A message from GMP

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Planning application for Land between Beresford Street and Rosebery Street

I have just received the notice in the post (dated 1st August) of a planning application for the Land between Beresford Street and Rosebery Street. The application was received in April. 

We have until August 22nd to submit comments based on views "relevant to planning", and this should be done in writing. Anyone can comment.
Relevant points are regarding physical aspects of the way the land and the buildings will be used.
e.g.Levels of activity, appearance, parking, noise, traffic, or overlooking.
*Not* effect on property values or commercial competition.

Alternative Reference:PP-02587405
Application Received:18 Apr 2013
Address:Land Between Beresford Street And Rosebery Street Moss Side Manchester M14 4SB
Proposal:Erection of 13 no. three bedroom, two-storey terraced houses with associated landscaping and boundary treatment
Status:Application Pending Consideration
Plans are online at 
or can be viewed using the online planning system at City Library, Elliot House, 151 Deansgate, M3 3WD

Here is the link

Letter was from Paula McGovern
Level 6 Town Hall Extension
PO Box 532 Manchester M60 2LA

Perhaps something to discuss at the Resident's Association meeting this Wednesday 7th August?

Friday, 2 August 2013

Police advice on security and vigilance

At our last RA meeting (see minutes) , the Police Constable and PCSO Lee Harris talked to us about crime reporting in our neighbourhood and had advice for keeping safe and secure

More information can be found by clicking on this post

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Resident's Association Meeting - Wednesday 7th August!

The next Resident's Association meeting will be
Wednesday 7th August, at the Fallowfield Library

Please read the minutes of the last meeting

Please email any comments that you want to see raised to
or on the mailing list (please do this in advance of the meeting)

We look forward to seeing you there!

Caribbean Carnival 10th August 2013

The Caribbean Carnival and Parade this year is on Saturday the 10th August at Platt Fields Park

For more information please see

The parade procession starts at 12:30 PM from Alexandra Park, leading to Platt Fields Park