Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Communal Bin Use and Recycling!

At our June Meeting/AGM, the issue of communal bin use and mess in the alleyways was again raised.
Incidentally, a letter from the council about the same issue was posted at a similar time.

The Neighbourhood Service recommend reporting any instances of fly tipping or dumping waste at - click on "Environmental problems", here you can also arrange collection of bulky items.

Replacement recycling bins can be ordered at, where you can also order kitchen caddies, replacement caddy liners and green bins for food/garden waste. Using a green bin for food waste will reduce landfill and will reduce vermin attracted to the bins.

Please click on this post to view the letter in a larger format and to view the information about what we can and can not recycle in our area - for example, plastic bottles can be recycled in the brown bin, but polystyrene and other plastics cannot be recycled.

It is important that all waste is sorted correctly.

We also noted at the meeting that we encourage everyone to crush their recycling down, so that more can fit in the wheelie bins - if e.g., cardboard boxes are flat, we can all fit more in the blue bin!

Making sure that we all use the bins properly will make our alleyways a much better place for everyone.

Bike Repairs and Women's Bike Riding in Alexandra Park

We picked up some flyers at our recent Resident's Association meeting, at the community room at Alexandra Park, and thought we should share them with you!

Women Only Bike Riding and Bike Fixing supported by Whalley Range On Wheels, Mondays 12-2 PM

Click on this post to view larger images of the flyers

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Meeting / AGM 14th June 6.30pm

We have managed to arrange the next meeting! It’s in the community room at Alex Park - near the entrance/next to the tennis courts. It will be nice to see everyone. It’s been a while and it’s time to elect the committee for the new year.

If there are specifics that people want to talk about, just email one of the committee or or get in touch on the mailing list