Thursday, 3 May 2012


At the meeting we agreed to adopt a constitution based on this model and modified to the needs of our Residents' Association. Here is a draft of the proposed constitution, if you have time please have a look at it before the meeting. I've listed the main changes, most of which we discussed at the last meeting, below. If you have any concerns they can be raised at our next meeting, when we will ratify the constitution.
  • Removal of 'youth forum' clause.
  • Membership: Everyone living in the area is automatically a member but only those present at meetings may vote.
  • Committee: Minimum five members, maximum seven members. Election of additional members and their roles will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
  • We need to define the geographical boundaries of our association - I've also added this to the agenda for the next meeting.
Please share this information with anyone who might not be able to view the blog. We can arrange for hard copies for anyone that can't view the online versions easily. I'll also ask our street representatives to raise the issue of the constitution with their neighbours.