Thursday, 31 January 2013

Moss Side Adventure needs your help!

If you are able to give some time, please consider lending your support to an excellent community asset:
Moss Side Adventure is looking for volunteers to help paint the adventure building on Friday 15th Februarybetween 9.30a.m and 3.00p.m to decorate the entrance and hall. The adventure is a children & young peoples charity offering free services for children and young people aged 5-19yrs living in the community and an education provider working with vulnerable and children out of main stream school. We are hoping the community can support use in offering a few hours of their time to make the building look more attractive due to the high use of the building its looking a bit run down.

Lee-Ann Igbon
Centre Manager

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

World Cafe event - Sat 26th January

Greater Manchester Police and the city council are jointly holding a joint World Cafe event on Saturday 26th January from 11am - 1pm at Greenheys Adult Education Centre on Upper Lloyd Street.

Refreshments, cakes and pastries will be available, but organisers have asked that participants must be available for the full two hour session. A creche will be available for up to 24 places for 0-5 year olds; residents need to book any places that they require.

The themes are 'your voice your choice' and 'conversations that matter'. The event aims to gather the views of residents on issues that matter to them in relation to the environment and crime. 

Please e-mail Angela Reid at MCC for any further information.

Monday, 21 January 2013


Ok, so the predicted 'snow chaos' that some parts of the country are experiencing hasn't exactly made it to Moss Side yet, but temperatures are still likely to be below freezing for much of the week and life might still be tricky for a few of our neighbours, particularly those who are older or who have problems getting around.

The Greater Manchester Fire Service has circulated a letter (read it here) detailing what they can do to help should the weather take a turn for the worse, and also asking for a community-spirited approach to helping some of our more vulnerable residents.

Seeing as community spirit is what we do best anyway, let's all give a thought to how we can look out for each other during this cold spell, and in case our neighbourhood finally does get snowed in, stay tuned to the blog!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Save £250 on your electricity and gas bills

Re-posted a message from the Council which might be of interest:

You have the power to save £250 on your electricity and gas bills. Fill in a simple online form to receive your offer in the energy auction You'll need a recent energy bill to hand so that we can estimate your annual energy use and spend.

How does it work?

Energy providers will take part in an auction to see who can provide the best value deal for customers.
They will be offered the chance to supply energy to people across Greater Manchester who have signed up to the scheme.
Each provider will bid for your custom by offering their cheapest energy deal.
The best-value provider will be chosen and their deal offered to everyone who signed up to the scheme. Once you have received your offer, you can decide whether to accept or decline.
You have until Monday 28 January to sign up to take part. The more households that sign up, the better the deal for everyone!

No obligation

There is no obligation to switch providers. After the auction you will be given a new personal offer price for your energy for the next year. At this point you can choose to sign up to the scheme if it works for you. It's hassle-free and there's nothing to lose, so what are you waiting for?
Complete our online form today to see if you could save up to £250 a year on gas and electricity.
Find out more at
Join the conversation #gmfairenergy

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Happy new year from the Bowes Street Residents' Association

Hi, Neighbour!

Hope you had a great New Year. January's a great time to remind ourselves of how much we have achieved so far and to start planning for next year.

Since getting together in April we have:

  • Won £1500 in grant money for alley gardening
  • Gained funding from Heineken for a monster Christmas tree and brought the community together for a day to decorate it
  • Held the best bonfire night party in the neighbourhood
  • Spent a day clearing the streets, alleys and spare land at the top of Hartington Street
  • Planted and distributed over 120 hanging baskets free of charge
  • Planted some daffodil bulbs for the spring
  • Worked with the council towards solving the problem of tipping and improving bin provision
  • Helped residents on Princess Road get access to the gated alleys
  • Gained loads of new members and built links in around our local community
I think we all should be really proud of what we have managed in a relatively short time.

Here are our New Year's Resolutions:

  • We'll meet at the end of January to shares some food and drink and celebrate what we've done so far (look out for the posters and flyers!)
  • We hope to hold another skip day in late Jan / early Feb so that everyone can get rid of post-Christmas rubbish
  • We've still got loads of bulbs that could be planted before the spring to get the neighbourhood looking great for the new year
  • Work will begin in earnest very shortly on the alleyway trees
  • We'll look ahead to our AGM and 1st birthday party in April and start planning an event that can bring everyone together
Any other suggestions? Add them as a comment below!

Here's to a great 2013.