You have the power to save £250 on your electricity and gas bills. Fill in a simple online form to receive your offer in the energy auction You'll need a recent energy bill to hand so that we can estimate your annual energy use and spend.
How does it work?
Energy providers will take part in an auction to see who can provide the best value deal for customers.They will be offered the chance to supply energy to people across Greater Manchester who have signed up to the scheme.
Each provider will bid for your custom by offering their cheapest energy deal.
The best-value provider will be chosen and their deal offered to everyone who signed up to the scheme. Once you have received your offer, you can decide whether to accept or decline.
You have until Monday 28 January to sign up to take part. The more households that sign up, the better the deal for everyone!
No obligation
There is no obligation to switch providers. After the auction you will be given a new personal offer price for your energy for the next year. At this point you can choose to sign up to the scheme if it works for you. It's hassle-free and there's nothing to lose, so what are you waiting for?Complete our online form today to see if you could save up to £250 a year on gas and electricity.
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