So this Sunday 14th July, there will be an informal replanting session if you would like to join!
Meeting at 11AM on Sunday, on the spare land on Rosebery/Beresford Street (Infusion sales office site)
We are hoping to get some bedding plants from the post office on Hart Road, which Paula has recommended.
The more the merrier, and maybe your kids would like to join in? Do let us know if you're interested, so we can work out how many plants to get. If you can't make the day, but would like your basket to be refreshed, let us know via email or in the comments, and we'll see what we can do.
join the mailing list by emailing :
orTo sign up to the group
1)Go to
2)Click "Apply for group membership"
3)Sign in (or for non google users give some extra info). You shouldn't need a Gmail email address.
Minutes from the meeting will be available as soon as possible.