Sunday, 22 September 2013

Meeting 24th September on the Bus!

Come to our next meeting! We start at 6PM, but if you can't make it for then, feel free to turn up later.
Stagecoach bus, Old bus depot, Bowes Street.
We'll provide hot drinks, but the Bus doesn't have full canteen facilities (yet!) so bring a mug if you want one.

We welcome ideas for what you would like the Resident's Association to do next, whatever this may be!
Should be a good opportunity to have a look at the garden too, for those that haven't had the chance yet!

Friday, 13 September 2013

Next meeting - what to discuss?


Our next resident's meeting is scheduled for the 24th September.

We haven't yet decided where we're going to hold the meeting, so would appreciate some suggestions!
We thought perhaps somewhere within the area of the RA? Perhaps a social event?

What would you like to do, and have you any ideas for what you would like to discuss?

Join the discussion on the forum


£14.5 Million Airport Dividend petition

A petition has been started at Manchester City Council's petitions scheme, requesting that the people of Manchester should have a greater say in how the £14.5 million Airport Dividend is spent in Manchester.

The e-Petition is available here 

We, the undersigned, petition the Council to ask the people of Manchester on how to spend the £14.5 million Airport Dividend.
"We call upon Manchester City Council to hold a full public consultation on how to spend the additional Airport Dividend of £14.5 million.  People who live, work and study in the city of Manchester must be able to say what their priorities are.  While we want a cleaner and greener city, techno-fluff like "smarter bins" is an insult to people whose libraries and daycare centres are facing closure or reduction in services. £14.5 million is a huge some of money that would enable, for example, community improvement wards of £30,000 pounds for all 32 wards in Manchester for 15 years." 

See more about why the petition has been started here

The council's proposals are to spend the money on a "Cleaner and Greener" Manchester
See the proposals here

More information about the dividend is available here, from the BBC News website
Manchester Airports Group dividend windfall for councils

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Photos of the Bus arriving at Moss Gardens

I thought you might be interested to see these great photographs taken by Hannah Beatrice, of the Stagecoach bus arriving at Moss Gardens, on the old bus depot site.

Moss Gardens Bus and BBQ (8)
Image from

Hannah Beatrice also has a post on the BBQ afterwards! 

She has really captured the spirit of what looks to have been a lovely day! 

We even have a couple of photos of our own to share (with thanks to Paula) 
Click on this post to view

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Open Day at Moss Side Community Allotment - 21st September

Come along and support your local community allotment, on Caythorpe/Bowes Street
Their open day is on the 21st September, from 10AM 
See more about the allotment at their website

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

CAN U KICK IT? Moss Side Youth Football Initiative

Can U Kick It? has been set up to offer free football training to children and young people in Moss Side and Hulme, between the ages of 6 - 16. They meet every Wednesday at 6 PM at Moss Side Leisure Centre

A community football programme started by Moss Side-based Fathers Against Violence (FAV) as a way of providing young men with the ambition and confidence to pursue a life away from gang violence. It was set up by James Gregory, whose son Giuseppe was killed in a mistaken revenge shooting.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Planter building! Weds. 11th Sept

This Wednesday 11th September, in the evening from 5PM, there is to be a planter building session at the end of Hartington Street.

If you would like to come and help with the building, it would be much appreciated. We already have the timber, and the soil was delivered ages ago, so it's about time we did something with it!

Planters will look something like this - hopefully without the terrible photo editing, and more real plants!

If you'd like to make suggestions of what you would like planted in them, why not head over to the Forum and start a discussion?

Look for the gazebo in case of rain!