Friday, 13 September 2013

£14.5 Million Airport Dividend petition

A petition has been started at Manchester City Council's petitions scheme, requesting that the people of Manchester should have a greater say in how the £14.5 million Airport Dividend is spent in Manchester.

The e-Petition is available here 

We, the undersigned, petition the Council to ask the people of Manchester on how to spend the £14.5 million Airport Dividend.
"We call upon Manchester City Council to hold a full public consultation on how to spend the additional Airport Dividend of £14.5 million.  People who live, work and study in the city of Manchester must be able to say what their priorities are.  While we want a cleaner and greener city, techno-fluff like "smarter bins" is an insult to people whose libraries and daycare centres are facing closure or reduction in services. £14.5 million is a huge some of money that would enable, for example, community improvement wards of £30,000 pounds for all 32 wards in Manchester for 15 years." 

See more about why the petition has been started here

The council's proposals are to spend the money on a "Cleaner and Greener" Manchester
See the proposals here

More information about the dividend is available here, from the BBC News website
Manchester Airports Group dividend windfall for councils